法國里昂 – VOCE Grande 試聽會

2019.12.14 傍晚,就在法國里昂 Sonatine Haute Fidélité – “HiFi 小奏鳴曲”,由店主 Mr. Pierre Martin 所主持的 VOCE Grande 試聽會,正在熱烈進行。

搭配全套 Heed Audio Thesis 前、後級擴大機系統,VOCE Grande 發出令人讚嘆的音色,讓與會者一致同意、歷經了一場無與倫比的聆聽歷程。以下取材自一位參與試聽的網友、所發表的感想留言,內容令人印象深刻。

法國網友 Boblyon 留言 :

“A small report of the very beautiful listening of the new Voce Grande at Sonatine on December 14.

How to summarize this experience? Talking about transparency of timbres or basses seems difficult to me. There is certainly transparency but so much material at the same time, a fullness in all areas, a silkiness in all registers but all so detailed at the same time.

At first something is unusual, it’s the bass that are there but “reintegrated” into the whole. As JC Reynaud said, basses become notes again and not a wave running on the floor (the fact of having isolated the speaker from the ground via a foot specifically designed for this purpose among other things). The result is that at no time do we listen to the speakers but to the music and voices in classical or rock music that are simply amazing. What beauty we find an unusual realistic feeling, we hear the singer’s work and his voice rises in a realistic volume, and for the piano it is the same thing. Matter and harmonic beauty out of the ordinary. The listening room was unanimous.

A big slap on all registers, on all styles. A magical listening for extraordinary speakers, another success to the credit of JC Reynaud who can once again be proud of the work accomplished even if we have the impression here of reaching new heights, well done.”

法文原文出處 :
