器評 :: 串流小綜擴、大PK By kunyi2020-09-302020-09-30Lyngdorf 三款品牌主力串流綜擴,群測比試 這篇由英國線上媒體 the-ear.net 編輯 Chris Kelly 於日前所刊出的器材評論,一次網羅目前市場上最炙手可熱的三款品牌主力機種、串流小綜擴,按價格高低依序排開交叉評比、深入剖析優劣;每款機型都以”功能介紹/ 實際聆聽/ 心得總結”,組成文章段落。( Lyngdorf TDAI-1120 則另有頁面連結… )當然,最後的”結論”,總是令人驚訝與好奇 … 斷章擷取各自的 Summary 心得總結、以及作者最後的 conclusion 結論,其餘就不贅述,歡迎大家自行參酌了 : ) Naim Uniti Atom £2,399Summary:… It sounds like a Naim, which is no bad thing. NAD Masters M10 £2,199Summary:… All in all, a very impressive performer. Lyngdorf TDAI 1120 £1,995Summary:…Conclusion:… Another winner from the House of Lyngdorf. BEST BUY [since June 11, 2020] Conclusion for all:However, as a long term musical partner, the 1120 would still be my choice. 詳 > the-ear.net group test – streaming amps