Passion for musical perfection|熱情與願景

台灣竹南 后厝漁港 | A small harbour in Taiwan 20250315
創立於 1996年,百鳴音響始終專注於居家精品音響的引進;近 30年來,我們持續發掘歐陸潛力品牌,並以此形象於業界。旗下諸多獨立廠牌,都各自內涵獨特文化與先進科技,只要是百鳴所代理的品牌,必定擁有強烈的原創風格與核心工藝,同時具備形式與功能之美。
對於居家系統規劃,我們提供聯網串流播放、先進多聲道劇院整合;All_in_One 全功能擴大機、空間聲學量測校正;高性能風格揚聲器、原創碳纖唱臂、磁浮黑膠唱盤…. 等豐富的解決方案。近 30週年之際,我們承諾一如初衷,基於一貫的擇選品味,持續為國人引進『值甚於價』之潛力品牌,豐富美好生活。
Since its inception in 1996, Currants Audio dedicates great passion to our lovely home market, Taiwan. We are reputed as a specialist who distinctively introduces potential product to music lovers. The concept is to let each premium brand grow up healthy and well. Brands are developed following their unique philosophy, proprietary technology, form function the one.
Passion for musical perfection, we might be a team of small but efficient in responses & profession in maintenances, with such flexibility to progress marketing activities.
Robust dealership remains under well deploy & development. We promise an authorized sales network which provides best services under professional support. Any discussion of business engagement is welcome.
The Crew, Recruit|成事 在人
After Services... 售後服務
自有的售後服務編制,方能確保產品用家無後顧之憂。百鳴音響設有專業服務部門,在品牌原廠的授權與支持下,能對所有器材產品提供最直接而精確的售後服務。所有的檢修服務均為 in-house,並依循原廠提供之準則與料件而能執行;檢修完成後之器材物品,均需有適當時間之耐性測試、一切無誤後始能交件。在此預先感謝各位用家的耐心,我們定能以最好的服務品質回覆您的期待。

Currants Audio/ Video Co., Ltd.
台中市 40763 西屯區 國安一路 208巷 11號
Address:No.11, Lane 208, Guo’an 1st Road, Hsitun Distinct, Taichung 40763, Taiwan.